Cervical Spine

Cervical Spine

About Cervical Pain

Neck pain or medically termed as cervical pain is a very common medical condition that is usually associated with a back disorder. Cervical spine pain can be result of various health conditions, disease or disorders that usually involve tissues in the neck or the cervical spine. The cervical spine anatomy consists of seven vertebrae that are numerically named in an order from C1 to C7. C1 and C2 vertebrae of the cervical spine are specialized in their make as well as function are given the name atlas and axis respectively.

Cervical Spine Disorders Causing Pain

There are several cervical spine disorders that result in neck pain. Some of these disorders are neck strain, whiplash that is a common neck injury, pinched or compressed nerve, and herniated disc as well diseases like degenerative disc disease and cervical spinal stenosis. Cervical spine pain can also be caused by rare infections like osteomyelitis and septic bones where the spine bones of the neck gets infected, tuberculosis of the neck as well meningitis that also leads to neck stiffness. Apart from the above mentioned problems neck pain may also be the result of medical conditions like polymyalgia rheumatica as well as fibromyalgia.

Cervical SpineRisk Factors of Cervical Spine Pain

If you are suffering from consistent neck or cervical pain than taking up cervical treatment for your problem is a necessity as the pain may be a signal to a bigger problem. If you leave your problem untreated then it can result in extreme neck stiffness making it very difficult to even move your neck. Apart from stiffness neck pain can also result in dizziness or lightheadedness, swelling of the lymph nodes, numbness and tingling sensation in shoulders and fingers, radiating pain, difficulty in swallowing.

Cervical Treatments for Pain

Usually doctors advise conservative treatment options like physiotherapy, exercises, neck braces, medications, and chiropractic as well as massage therapy for neck pain. Surgery is only considered when conservative treatment options fail to provide any relief.